Sleep Aid Audio Treatment - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

cognitive behavioural therapy
Because of this overwhelming demand for our sleep-help, we have produced a comprehensive audio course of our natural sleep treatment. The set contains the whole range of techniques and exercises used in 1:1 therapy, and a variety of extras. Sit back in your own home and learn the secrets of great natural sleep. We'll (gently) talk you through everything.

Our audio sleep course will give you the hidden secrets Professors of Sleep themselves use, the combined wisdom of the international research effort. We know so much more about sleep nowadays that just isn't widely known (but ought to be).

The course is also an experiential system because trying things for yourself is the best way to learn. You'll be guided through some experimentation of your own, helping you to radically improve your habits and attitudes around sleep. This not only makes it more interesting, but also makes changes stick, for the long term.

Our material draws on a wide variety of knowledge from fields such as sleep science, chronobiology, neuropsychology, cognitive-behavioural therapy, third-wave cognitive therapies, motivational interviewing, and behavioural approaches. We cut to the point, with our 18+ years experience, in the most accessible and easily-understood way we know - skills we have developed after years of helping people with sleep disorders and sleep deprivation.

We will get you to a point where sleep comes easily and effortlessly - to make YOU the master of your sleep, not the other way round! Any sleep treatment that teaches you that you need great concentration, effort and very precise circumstances to get great sleep is NOT a good treatment, to us. If anything, most insomniacs...Read More Detail
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